Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Holy Trinity Is Not Just For Non Christians

The Holy Trinity is a difficult thing to understand, much less to explain. This is true not just for non-Christians, but Christians themselves. The best explanation many young Christians get when they are growing up is that God is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are all one, but are different in their own ways (such was the case with my own upbringing in a Catholic household, so I speak from experience). This doesn’t seem to make much sense, especially considering that it is similar to another Holy Mystery that is often brought up: that of Jesus Christ being wholly man and wholly God at the same time. The answers are more often than not unsatisfying, seemingly feeling like placeholders, and this frustration is only†¦show more content†¦Still, this did not satisfy Constantine, as his intention as Emperor was to have a united empire, and this included Christians. Christians were divided on many issues at the time, with many following varying schools of thought that, while similar enough, were different around core ideas. In order to rectify this, Constantine organized the First Ecumenical Council—the First Council of Nicaea—in 325 CE. He had invited nearly 2,000 bishops from all of Christendom to come to Nicaea to see if agreements could be made over old disagreements and unite all of the Christians under one, united Church, with Constantine himself acting as a mediator as much as a host. Many of the issues brought up at this council were of an organizational and structural nature as to how and when and what things should be done how and when and where and so on and so forth: when Easter should be celebrated, prohibition of kneeling on Sundays, baptism of heretics, ordination of eunuchs, etc. The biggest issue, however, was the question of Jesus Christ and His nature, His relationship to God the Father, and whether or not he was â€Å"created† or not. This issue had come to a head between two schools of thought: Alexander of Alexandria believed that God the Father and God the Son were both one and the same and different,

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Dr. Martin Luther King - 886 Words

Societal injustice is an ongoing issue that is debated frequently. Specifically, many argue different means of ameliorating societal injustice. The remarkable and influential advocate of the Civil Rights movement, Dr. Martin Luther King, addressed the injustices pertaining to his time period in the mid 1950s and advocated nonviolence as an approach to acquire the equality that society was lacking. Dr. King practiced what he preached and gained an innumerable amount of followers. He was ultimately successful because of his use of nonviolence. Through boycotting, sit-ins, and marches, Dr. King achieved the high regard he has today. Furthermore, Cesar Chavez, labor union organizer and civil rights leader, published an article, â€Å"He shows us the way†, on the tenth anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King to recognize the success Dr. King’s accomplishments and further support pacifism. Chavez annihilates all other options, applies rhetorical ethos, logo s, and pathos to persuade readers that nonviolent resistance is an unparalleled strategy to achieve civil rights. In the beginning of the article, Chavez addresses violence and refutes it. He analyzes the possible outcomes of violence. In paragraph four of his article, Chavez explicitly states with a forthright tone, â€Å"If we resort to violence then one of two things will happen: either the violence will be escalated and there will be many injuries and perhaps deaths on both sides, or there will be totalShow MoreRelatedDr. Martin Luther King1101 Words   |  5 PagesDr. Martin Luther King is a very passionate, motivating and an inspiring speaker. His â€Å"I Have a Dream is a perfect example of pathos. His speech had so much passions that it filled the audience with so much emotions. Even though there is a strong presence of pathos, than logo and ethos. They are very much present in his speech. On August 28, 1963, on a Washington DC street filled with over 250,000 demonstrators [black and white, young and old] came together to witness Dr. Martin Luther King speaksRead MoreDr. Martin Luther King874 Words   |  4 PagesDr. Martin Luther King, Jr. writes this letter as a response to the clergymen, who criticized and impeded the nonviolent campaign led by King in Birmingham. In his long letter, Marin Luther King presents a good deal of rational reasons for why the nonviolent campaign should be done in Southern America. He also demonstrates his unmovable determination to accomplish the goal of this nonviolent campaign. Obviously, King intends to awake the clergymen and other opponents by this touching letter. FromRead MoreDr. Martin Luther King1647 Words   |  7 PagesKing was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia, to the Reverend Martin Luther King, Sr. (1899–1984) and Alberta Williams King (1904–1974).[1] King s legal name at birth was Michael King,[2] and his father was also born Michael King, but the elder King changed his and his son s names following a 1934 trip to Germany to attend the Fifth Baptist World Alliance Congress in Berlin. It was during this time he chose to be called Martin Luther King in honor of the German reformer Martin LutherRead MoreDr. Martin Luther King1246 Words   |  5 Pagesfrom their place in history. Martin Luther brought important philosophical and moral concerns into the public arena. King belongs to a special of classes of activist philosophical whose philosophical and lives are inseparable because his chief concerns were social progress and improvement, Dr. King s powerful speaking skills combined with his courageous actions on behalf of racial justice, makes him a compelling exemplar of philosophical advocacy in action. Dr. King is widely regarded as AmericaRead MoreDr. Martin Luther King1826 Words   |  8 Pagesour praised leaders have risen in times of depression, and in eras when we lacked the ability to come together for ourselves. Dr. Martin Luther King was and will forever be remembered as one of the greatest leaders in American history for his public speaking skills that united millions during the civil rights movement. Born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta Georgia, Dr. King was raised in a family of prominent pastors. He later followed in his families’ footsteps and became the third member to becomeRead MoreDr. Martin Luther King Jr.1410 Words   |  6 PagesDr. Martin Luther King Jr. is a well noted American leader, who is known primarily for his role in the African-American civil rights movement of the 20th century in USA. He is often regarded as a champion of human rights and considere d to be not only associated with the cause of racial discrimination against the African-Americans, but also with other social causes relating to injustice, unfairness and discrimination in the American society. He also holds the privilege of being the youngest ever personRead MoreDr. Martin Luther King Jr.1194 Words   |  5 Pagesdemand that all people be treated equally. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. advocated that people needed to take a stand and quit being patient, in order to advance democracy in America. Was King correct in believing that impatience helps to advance democracy? I argue that Dr. King was correct in demanding impatience from the African American community to achieve equality. In this paper I will be evaluating the stance that Dr. King takes on impatience by looking at Dr. King’s work as well as the work of MahatmaRead MoreDr. Martin Luther King Jr.916 Words   |  4 PagesDr. Martin Luther King Jr. left a legacy behind like no man before him; his presence was one that completely reshaped the nation. Through his role in the advancement of civil rights by utilizing non-violent methods, he was able to break down the racial barriers built by prejudice and discrimination. Many of his ideals and principles are timeless. His widespread vision is still applied to resolve many issues in today’s society. The six principals of nonviolence from Dr. King are great tools toRead MoreDr. Martin Luther King Jr. Essay1918 Words   |  8 PagesDr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s (MLK) was a every influential person he led the civil rights movement to bring equality to people regardless of race. He had a strong belief in nonviolence this is why MLK fought for the civil rights movement which lead the society we have today. His dream was halfway fulfilled and we can say halfway because still today in society even though there is no segregation, people still judge and still think wrong about others. In this paper show that his dream is som eRead MoreDr. Martin Luther King Jr.1337 Words   |  6 PagesDr. Martin Luther King Jr. is, arguably, the most influential African American leader in the history of the United States of America. His â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech was delivered on Wednesday, August 28th, 1963 during the March on Washington for Jobs and Equality. His words were captivating and full of hope. The March on Washington for Jobs and Equality was not the first large civil rights march led by African Americans. There were many marches previous such as the Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom in

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Master Gardener Free Essays

English 1301 Week 3 The Descriptive Essay Gwendolyn Wiley The Master Gardener We arrive at First Christian Church and as we approach the large red doors, I began to reflect on the days, months, and years past. A man awaits us just past those huge red doors known as the world’s greatest gardener. As a child, I remember this building seeming so large with its tall beautiful painted windows similar to the ones you might find in a Roman Catholic Cathedral. We will write a custom essay sample on The Master Gardener or any similar topic only for you Order Now The edifice and structure of the building covered with large dark red rocks that remind you of giraffe spots. I would visit often, as a child the air of the place seems sacred and holy. The building towers up as a grand ole castle of the days of old. On the side of this massive structure, lies a beautiful garden. When we enter, the huge archway there is a feeling that you are entering into the garden of God, filled with beautiful pink gardenias, fiery red roses, white lilies, and yellow daisies the lawn always freshly manicured with a look of a green sea that flows through the entire garden leaving you feeling tranquil about life. The dogwood trees would bloom each spring filling the air with sweet incense that the creator would seem to smile. They stretched forth as though they struggled to find their way to the sky almost like the twisted frame of the man that cared for them. This is Jimmy’s garden. Charles James Jackson aka Jimmy a small frame man with those big gray eyes and grand smile could bring light in the darkest of rooms. He gives bone-crushing hugs to all he met. He served as a custodian, caretaker, and trustee at First Christian Church. Jimmy dedicated over fifty years of service to this community. He polished with great care and attention to detail all the grand brass within the structure. He gave such care of the large brass bells, which he rang during each wedding, baby dedication and coming of age ceremony as though he gave his approval of each act. He would witness more than three generation of children from birth to marriage of this great congregation. He gave advice to each generation as though they were his own children showing that great smile ensuring each felt his love by giving a bone crushing hug. Jimmy a humped back man only because he stops to bend down to hug and pick up so many children. Everyone loves Jimmy Mr. Gilmore a lifelong friend of Jimmy’s says, â€Å"God has a master gardener now†. Jimmy’s garden is a landmark in Meridian Ms everyone knows where First Christian Church is because of this elaborate garden. As the first leaf of autumn falls so does Jimmy entering into the final resting place as a seed the way so many in which he planted. Jimmy Jackson my father passed away October 19, 2012. His little three room white house with a porch covered with flowers and plants left as a reminder of that spectacular gardener. During the funeral there were more than a dozen people stand and proclaim how Jimmy influenced their lives, many would paint a portrait of him so vivid it seemed that an entirely different person was lying inside that cold gray casket. The most vivid remembrance to me is that knee-slapping laugh. He laughs deeply each time he laughs it seems as though it comes from a place so deep within him he almost falls over. Oh, the way he could laugh, it is a infectious laugh. If you did not know what he was saying, you laugh because he is laughing. Jimmy Jackson, the man with a green thumb, warm heart, and bright smile is gone but not forgotten. This is the world’s greatest gardener and I will echo Mr. Gilmore now God has a master gardener. Charles James Jackson we miss you, we love you rest in peace until we meet again. How to cite The Master Gardener, Essay examples